Presbytery has agreed that our new, extended linkage may appoint a permanent minister and work to that end has begun.  The process of seeking and appointing a minister is closely defined by the Church of Scotland and much of it is properly confidential.  Some information that can be made public is provided in this section of our website.  Updates may be added as appropriate.  Direct any questions to in the first instance.

Church of Scotland procedures and regulations

Find material on the Church of Scotland website by entering Vacancy into the search box on its home page.


Key documents include …


Church of Scotland Act: Vacancy procedure

2003 Act 8: Vacancy Procedure Act


Church of Scotland guidance about vacancy during COVID

FINAL Vacancy Process during COVID Guidance 160720


Vacancy guidelines for Kirk Sessions and Interim Moderators, April 2018



Vacancy guidelines for Nominating Committees



Parish / linkage profile

The Profile is a description of our parishes and linkage, created by us.  Intended primarily to inform potential applicants, it describes the principal characteristics of our churches, parishes and communities, what we think is important about our churches’ work, and the role we envisage our minister playing.


The Profile was drafted by a cross-linkage working group, then discussed, amended lightly and approved by the six Kirk Sessions. Carlops Church’s representatives on the working group were Julie Gamble and Anna Woolverton.


The Profile can be read here.


Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is a cross-linkage working group charged to consider applicants for the post of minister in our linkage and subsequently, to propose a candidate to the congregations.


The Committee has two representatives from each of five of the linkage churches, and three from St Andrew’s West Linton (to reflect its greater size).  These representatives are chosen by their representative congregations. Our Interim Moderator, Rev Calum Macdougall is also a member of the Nominating Committee.


The members of the Nominating Committee, appointed by the linkage churches, are …


Broughton                               Lynne Smith, Peter Worthington

Carlops                                   Murray Campbell, Julie Gamble

Kirkurd & Newlands                  Jim Brown, Jean Howat

Skirling                                   Andrew Fraser, Neil Robinson

Tweedsmuir                             Rob Orr, James Welch

West Linton St Andrew’s           Mark McDavid, Kevin Scott, Mary Turnbull

At its first meeting on 25 June 2021, the Nominating Committee appointed these office bearers from amongst its own number …


Convenor                    Kevin Scott

Vice-convenor             Jean Howat

Clerk                          Neil Robinson



Progress reports

The process of seeking and appointing a minister is properly bound by confidentiality. When there is news or other information that can properly be reported, it will be posted here.