Carlops Church is a registered charity itself, but we also support other charities. 

Our criteria for supporting a charity are:-

  • it is of local origin or
  • there is clear support for it in Carlops or
  • it is a national or international charity, but we have confidence that our donations are providing practical help to real people

Charities we support
In an average year, we raise £5,000 for various charities.  We prefer to support charities that run practical projects, so that our small community can make a worthwhile impact for identifiable groups of people.  Sums of money that seem small in UK terms have a significant impact elsewhere when delivered directly to selected projects.  We stay focused on projects for a sustained period, to gain a better understanding of problems affecting the people we are trying to support.  

We make one-off donations to charities chosen by guest speakers, congregation members and supporters in the community. We respond regularly to appeals from the Disasters Emergency Committee.

We support several charities regularly, chosen because they provide life-changing support for people in extreme situations.

Broomhill Day Centre
Christian Aid
Fair Trade
Fresh Start
Mary’s Meals
Women’s Aid East & Midlothian