Carlops is a small place, but it hosts a wide range of activities.  It is a true community, where neighbours know each other and are also friends.  The church works closely with three other Carlops organisations and together they make Carlops a buzzing, enjoyable and welcoming place to live.

Carlops Village Centre
Carlops Village Centre, known locally as the Hall, is owned by the community and held in trust by Carlops Village Centre Management Committee, elected annually by members of the community.

The Hall hosts many social activities: ceilidhs, concerts, film, theatre, and more.  It is also the meeting place for several local clubs and societies.  The Hall is available for private hire.


Allan Ramsay Hotel
In the centre of the village, and normally its everyday social hub, “the Ramsay”, established in 1792, is the senior institution in Carlops. 

At its best, the Allan Ramsey served as a pub, hotel, restaurant and meeting place. Unfortunately, it is currently closed and a team of Carlops residents are exploring means of bringing it back into operation.

Carlops Community Council
Carlops Community Council (CCC) is non-partisan and non-party political.  Its principal role is to provide Carlops with a formal communication link to the Scottish Borders Council, the contractor who manages the A702 trunk road and other official bodies, such as Police Scotland and the Scottish Government.  CCC meetings are attended by representatives of most of these bodies.

Anyone resident in Carlops ward (Ward 5B of the Tweeddale West area), and on its electoral roll, is eligible to stand for election to CCC.  Nominations and elections take place before the AGM in May.

Living in Carlops
Living in and around Carlops aimed to list all that goes on in Carlops and provide information about local services.  It was a community-wide project: Carlops Church, Carlops Community Council, Carlops Village Centre and the Allan Ramsay Hotel all contributed.  

The resulting booklet was published in 2015; it was distributed to every home in the parish and to Carlops supporters further afield.  Copies are still available; send email to

More Carlops information
In addition to the present site, information about most Carlops events is posted here.