Living water
Window by Emma Butler-Cole Aiken, 2008

This window formed part of the 2008-09 refurbishment.  Artist Emma Butler-Cole Aiken was brought up in Carlops and formerly worshipped in Carlops Church.

The design is inspired by Biblical references and the Pentland landscape.  “He that believeth in me … out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water” John 7:38  The artist says “The window is composed of hand-made glass, with etching, staining and painting.  Melting snow on the Pentlands gives way to a rush of ‘living water’, spilling out of the borders of the window towards the centre of the church.  Breakthrough.  Refreshment.  Revival.”

Cross and dove
Carving by Mike Clarke, 2009

This wood carving helps to commemorate the major refurbishment of the church in 2008-09, a project which included replacing the former traditional pews with the present moveable seating.  

Congregation member Mike Clarke carved this delicate image from one of the former pew ends to provide the refurbished church with a permanent and tangible link between the old church and the new.

Risen Christ
Decorative window; attributed to Douglas Hamilton (1895-1959)

This glass panel was presented to Carlops Church by Mrs Hamilton after the Rev Alexander Caseby, then minister of Carlops, had led the artist Douglas Hamilton’s (1895-1959) funeral service.  It is believed to have been donated from amongst works in Hamilton’s studio at the time of his death.

Until 2009, the panel was set into the north window of the church; it was extensively restored and remounted as a panel during that year’s refurbishment.


Carlops, the seasons
Felt hanging by Jenny Mackay, 2003

The hanging was commissioned when Margaret McArthur made a gift to the church in memory of her friend and Carlops resident, Phyllis Pyper.  It was dedicated during a service in the church on 7 December 2003.

Jenny MacKay is the artist who created the work.  It shows Carlops Church with open door, the village well, the burn, animals and birds, and a tree showing all four seasons, with the Pentland Hills above.

Design on glass by Emma Butler-Cole Aiken, 2009; in memory of Fred Edwards, (1931-2008)

This design on glass was commissioned in memory of Fred Edwards (1931-2008), a member of Carlops congregation and a source of inspiration and guidance to all who knew him.

The design was created by Emma Butler-Cole Aiken.  Its flowing forms invite visitors to the church to enter physically and spiritually into the building and what it stands for, thus illustrating Fred’s own openness of spirit and welcoming nature.