Our worship is broadly traditional in pattern, dignified in tone, lively and enquiring in content.  It is sometimes innovative, always thought-provoking and enjoyable; laughter is common.  We have an excellent organ, an able, enthusiastic organist and a congregation that enjoys singing!

There is a service every Sunday at 10am; several of these services are also available via Zoom; to obtain a link enabling you to particpate via Zoom, contact sessionclerk@carlopschurch.org. After the service, the congregation gathers informally.

Several people have expressed a wish to read services again, to consider them carefully after hearing them in church on Sunday morning.  Some Carlops services are posted here, in whatever form the service leader could supply readily (typically, her or his speaking notes).

Every year, Carlops Church’s Eco Group designs and delivers a service on an environmental theme chosen by its members.   We make these services freely available.  We hope that they may help others in worship and in thinking about the environment.

Service leaders

Carlops is linked with other churches, so several members of the linked congregations support the minister by leading services, all exploring a similar core message via their different personal experience.  Worshippers at Carlops appreciate the variety that this affords.


Communion is celebrated on several occasions each year; these services are announced here.  We have an open table policy and welcome everyone to all our services.

Special services

Special services are held at Christmas, Easter, Harvest, Remembrance Day and on other occasions.  On Easter Sunday, the service is preceded by breakfast, to which we invite everyone in the parish.  Christmas Eve carol service is a community tradition enjoyed by all.