Our congregation is small but we enjoy the benefits of small size without the disadvantages.  Everyone knows everyone; everyone speaks to everyone.  We pride ourselves on being friendly and promise that, if you visit us, people will greet you, talk to you and listen to you!  We also promise no arm-twists and no questions you do not feel ready to answer.

Our congregation is active in the community.  We try to help people and enjoy ourselves too!  You will find ample opportunity to join in.  We like to think we say “yes” or “why not?” to most suggestions; if you have ideas about things we could do better, or new things we could try, talk to anyone in church, or contact us at info@carlopschurch.org.

There are 46 people on our Communion Roll and 20 on the Register of Adherents.  A further 40 people attend services in Carlops Church regularly but choose not to record that support formally. Our average congregation is about 25. We also welcome about 80 Monday to Saturday supporters, who participate in several activities but choose not to attend services. 

We regard all of these as supporters; the activities in which people participate are for them to choose, not for the Church or anyone else to judge.  Carlops Church values everyone who engages in any of its work.