01 Sept 2021  A happy outcome

We are glad to record here that Rev Tony Foley has been appointed as our new minister.

He undertook three services on Sunday 29th August, no easy feat, and these were well received.

This is reflected in the result of the voting which took place after each service and which was communicated as follows by our Interim Moderator;

      I hereby declare the results of the voting for the election and appointment of a minister to the vacant charge of West Tweeddale to be as follows.
      FOR Electing The Reverend Dr Thomas Anthony Foley: 143 votes
      AGAINST Electing The Reverend Dr Thomas Anthony Foley: 11 votes

      Therefore, The Reverend Dr Thomas Anthony Foley has accordingly been elected and appointed as the new minister subject to the approval of Presbytery.

      1st September 2021

      Malcolm M. Macdougall
      Interim Moderator.

We look forward immensely to welcoming Tony and his family to the West Tweeddale linking and to Carlops in particular.