We host a wide variety of activities and hope to engage everyone in our community, whatever their interests and beliefs. In addition to the Sunday morning service, there is at least one social and/or cultural event in the church every week.
Some activities were affected by coronavirus and attendant restrictions, but these are now reinstated. During the pandemic, we extended and upgraded our audiovisual and computing facilities, so supporters can now participate in some events via Zoom, as well as attending in-person.
Caring for people

We offer a discreet but active response when people are unwell or need help. We send cards of condolence or congratulations when someone needs sympathy or deserves a pat on the back! Contact us if you know anyone who needs support.
Coffee shop

We run an informal “coffee drop-in” morning in the church on the last Saturday of every month. Coffee is free but charitable donations are invited. This event has contributed over £7,000 to various charities selected by the coffee shop team.
Fair Trade

We run a Fair Trade stall on the last Saturday of every month, alongside the drop-in coffee shop
Soup lunch

An informal lunch of soup, sweet bites and coffee every month from September to April. Popular and something of a highlight in Carlops’ calendar. At the roughly annual “Man Soup”, a team of Carlops men make soup, serve tables, and wash up after themselves!
Talks, Concerts and recitals

We organise occasional talks and concerts on Fridays between September and May. Subjects range widely to interest the whole community. Entry is by donation to a charity nominated by the guest speaker.
Cuppa and company

Every Thursday afternoon, the church houses an informal tea and chat session. No need to book; come at any time; stay as long as you like; enjoy the company of friends and neighbours.

The linked churches of Carlops, Kirkurd & Newlands, and St Andrew’s West Linton operate an emergency foodbank. If you need help with food, telephone 07943 509 906, or contact emergencyfoodbank@standrews-westlinton.org. If you need other assistance, we will try to help or to direct you to someone able to do so. We treat all contacts in strict confidence.
To donate goods to the foodbank, bring items (preferably dried or tinned) to the church at any time it is open, or contact info@carlopschurch.org to arrange delivery. To donate funds to the foodbank, contact treasurer@carlopschurch.org.