These are some of the people active in Carlops Church; you are almost certain to meet some of them when you visit the church.

Tony and Yvonne Foley
I am happy to be working with the people of West Tweeddale and Yvonne and I enjoy living in the beautiful Scottish Borders. Please feel welcome to contact me at any time. I look forward to talking to you soon.

Murray Campbell
Session Clerk, organist
As Session Clerk for Carlops Church I am responsible for various organisational tasks, including taking minutes of Kirk Session meetings.
I am also the regular organist, with an able and willing band of deputies, including my wife Patsy. We are privileged to have shared for many years the fellowship of this open, questioning, enthusiastic and committed congregation.

Mary McElroy
I like helping people to translate their ideas and hopes into practical, working plans, and inspiring them to believe they can be successful and have fun along the way.

Jo Blackburn
In Carlops I have found an open-minded, welcoming and supportive church, interested in inter-acting with the wider community. I have been organising a variety of open events for both adults and children for the past few years.

Nan Buchan
I coordinate the volunteers who run soup lunches at Carlops Church every month, September to May, except December. We offer a warm welcome as well as good soup, home baking and tea or coffee. The lunches are well attended social events enjoyed by the whole community. I enjoy working with the friendly people of Carlops Church and village, and will happily provide more information to anyone who would like to join the team of volunteers.

Patsy Campbell
Carlops welcomed me when Murray and I arrived in the village in 1968 and we have enjoyed all our local activities ever since. I’m a deputy organist and one of the worship leaders, and also concerned with: the safeguarding of young and vulnerable people; our outreach to the community through music and the Carlops Village Centre; and work with our friends in the Presbytery of Zomba, Malawi.

Julie Gamble
I'm a relative newcomer to Carlops and am glad for the warmth and friendship shown. If I have spare time I like to check in with the birds in our garden or look for books I might read one day.

Gill Gold
People at Carlops Church are positive, creative and welcoming, and our minister is thought-provoking and stimulating. I enjoy the variety of the team of service leaders; the organ music and singing are lively and varied. I appreciate the flowers in church and like working in the community patio-garden between the church and the hall. The ambience in the church is peaceful and aesthetically pleasing, combining older styles with fresh colours that speak of today.

Chris Levison
I’m Chris Levison and I have worked in healthcare chaplaincy and ministry. I much appreciate the inclusive, informal and thoughtful atmosphere warmly evident in the church community in Carlops. Other interests include walking, reading, sailing and travelling with family and friends.

Mary Levison
I have lived in Nine Mile Burn for thirty years and am part of the team that enables Carlops Church’s monthly soup lunches and drop-in coffee mornings which are enjoyed by the wider community.

Rennie McElroy
I like the friendship, energy and pragmatism in Carlops Church. The people are warmly welcoming. They focus on making a difference in practical ways and they are always willing to try. When something new is suggested, the response is invariably “Yes; let’s try that!” This positive attitude makes Carlops Church and its supporters enjoyable and rewarding to work with.

Anna Woolverton
I’ve lived in Carlops for 27 years. I co-ordinate the Eco Group in Carlops Church, which runs a variety of events for the whole community throughout the year. We strive to keep our personal carbon footprints low and have made good working links with some of the other local environmental groups. I enjoy being outdoors, walking or gardening; or reading, crosswords or sewing if indoors.